Monday, June 23, 2008
this week.....

Posted by anji at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
HUGE sale week
continuing on with our huge sales, this week stamps, punches, and tools are all 25% off. whoo hoo. yesterday was our party, but with the good weather not too busy. we still have goodies bags left. pick a purse with a $25 purchase. also, guess how many candies in the jar and win a trimmer and the jar filled to the rim with goodies. for every $15 spent, recieve an entry to win the K&Co gift pack. this thing is filled. wish i could win it, it's from their new line: Berry Sweet. super fun colors, lime greens and pinks. reminds me of my childhood. have a great week everybody and hope to see you.
Posted by anji at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Stock up on
cardstock (all sizes), books and magazines, and quilling. this week is another week you don't want to miss!!!! everybody can use more cardstock. also, this weekend is our celebration. Spend $25 and pick a purse for a goodie bag. whoo hoo. make sure to come in and stock up. Also, we got new sets of the dollar stamps. so cute!!! come by and see. i will post pics tomorrow of a few of the new goodies. have a great week
Posted by anji at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Happy Tuesday!!
just wanted to remind everybody about our sale this week. Patterened paper, stickers, and ribbon is all 25% off until saturday closing time. We will have different sales all month long, so be sure to get stocked up. i FINALLY got an email out (thanks Karen for info!!) so if you didn't recieve one, please let me know. it's a new program and just workin the kinks out. have a great day, and don't forget about the sales.
Posted by anji at 7:56 AM 0 comments